Thursday, 14 November 2013



             I believe that blog entry #3 mainly comprises of wanting what we get in the media. After reading over 10 different blogs, I was able to pick out one major commonality between all of them; and that is every company’s effort to attack its addressee’s insecurities. Companies need a way to provoke somebody to purchase their product; which is why they attack these perceived insecurities.
For example, in Justin Gideon’s blog, he mentioned that “Another effective way for corporations to increase the awareness of their advertisements is to instill humour. Humour is arguably the most important piece of what makes an advertisement memorable.“ ( Personally, I could not agree more with what Justin is saying here. I mentioned something similar about the importance of comedy in my piece. For the old spice commercial I wrote about the comedic vibe I get from watching this commercial, and how it preliminarily sells me on the product. I think everyone would be a little more sold on certain products if their advertisements didn’t lack as much humour as some of them do.
Mady states in her blog that “…clothing, fragrances and undergarments is sure to make you feel sexy and desirable” ( Not only is Mady’s ad attacking the viewer’s insecurities, but it is also implying that in order to feel sexy and desirable, one must smell like them and wear their clothing. A commonality can be found with this ad and my ad: the Old Spice commercial. In my ad the Old Spice man states that he is the man your lady wishes you were. In both cases, the company is addressing all non users of the product; stating or implying that if you do not use this product, you will not feel sexy or desirable, or feel like the man your woman wishes you were.
Including influential figures in advertisements is a very important goal for all companies with ads. In the Old Spice commercial, the Old Spice man is classified as the “man your woman wishes you were”, therefore validating himself as a prominent figure. Sweetz’ blog was about a Gillette series ad.  Gillette uses figures such as Tiger Woods and Roger Federer in order to catch the viewers’ attention. He states that “Gillette does a good job marketing through television adverts because they often include professional athletes like Tiger Woods or Roger Federer.” (  I can comfortably say from personal experience that seeing my role model in a commercial is a very persuading factor when considering buying the product.


Jake Coetzee

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